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The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners  a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.



Advisory Group

Alan E. Willner USC Photonics Center
Alexander (Sandy) A. Sawchuk USC Photonics Center
Arnie Bazensky Schott Glass Technologies Inc.
Bahram Jalali UCLA EE Dept
Bob Phillippy Newport Corporation
Breck Hitz Lasers & Electro-Optics Mfg. Association
Brian Catanzaro CFE Services
Bruce Tromberg UCI Beckman Laser Institute
Cheryl Jennings Henderson Discovery Science Center
Chris Durell Sphere Optics - Hoffman, LLC
Darlene Boyd UCI Gifted Student Academy
David Cook Perkin Elmer
Don Welter A.G. Heinze, Inc.
Duncan Moore U of R Institute of Optics
Eric H. Ford Eidetic Optical Systems
Graham Brewis Allied Optical
Janet Yamaguchi Discovery Science Center
Jason Briggs OSA Membership and Education Services
Jim G. Leatham Applied Photonics
Jim Wyant U of A Optical Sciences Center
John E. Greivenkamp U of A Optical Sciences Center
Kathryn Dickinson California Science Center
Kelly Cummings OSSD
Larry DeShazer Irvine Valley College, CACT
Larry Wellen Advanced Laser Technologies, Inc.
Larry Woolf General Atomics
Luan Mendel Think Together
Maria Sittmann Human Resources Consultant
Mark Arenal Kinemetric Engineering
Mary Stowell Signet Armorlite
Mary Turner Zemax Development Corp.
Michael Frey CSULB Astronomy & Physics
Michael Tomasello UC MESA
Mike Nofziger U of A Optical Sciences Center
Murty Mantravadi Northup Gruman Corporation, Retired
Prakash Koonath UCLA EE Dept
Reddy Chirra Raytheon Systems Company, Retired
Richard Nelson UC Irvine EECS Dept
Robert E Fischer Optics 1
Robert Hodge Siskiyou Designs 
Roy McCord Irvine Valley College LET & Astronomy
Ryck Daniels Irvine Valley College LET & Astronomy
Scott Rowe Alcon Labs
Shari West Museum Consultant
Sheila Sandiford SPIE
Sieglinde Wallis Ohara Corporation
Steve F. Jacobs U of A Optical Sciences Center
Steve D. Jacobs U of R Institute of Optics
Steve Pompea National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Susan Raffensperger Northup Gruman Corporation, Consultant
Thomas K. Ha G&M Compliance, Inc.
Tom Godfrey Northup Gruman Corporation, Consultant
Tom Linnert Think Together
Toni Wellen Advanced Laser Technologies, Inc.
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan Univ. of Missouri St. Louis, School of Optometry
Wayne H. Knox U of R Institute of Optics
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Last modified: 01/23/2010                
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