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On-Line through Community
Some ongoing
projects receiving donations include:
$1000 -
Optricks Cart - pays for Optricks Theme Packets for auditorium presentation
to 250 students
$400 -
Optricks Suitcases - pays for one case complete with 75 sets of
take-home Optricks Theme Packet Sets for 3 x 25 students (three classroom
presentations) + the reusable materials.
- Optricks Suitcase Theme Packets - pays for one classroom
presentation to 25 students.
- Optricks Suitcase Theme Packets for 2 students
Examples of
donations contributed from each category:
(Donations can
be contributed in cash / volunteer time / materials / facilities / exchange
services and combinations.)
Societies - Grants
OSA Foundation - $3000 for Optricks Cart
SPIE - $4000 for 10x Optricks Suitcases
OSSC - $1000 for Optricks Cart
Institutions -
Volunteer time
& advise to OISC staff & members, facilities use
Discovery Science Center - volunteers to assemble Optricks Theme Packets
DSC Facilities and staff for Annual Optricks Days Events
Irvine CACT - Office space, classroom, teaching lab & outreach supplies storage\
Government Agencies, Schools
& After-School Programs
Irvine CACT - Office space, classroom, teaching lab & outreach supplies storage
Provide teachers, students & facilities for OISC outreach events
UC Irvine - Gifted Student Academy - students & facilities for outreach
Think Together - Provide teachers, students & facilities for OISC outreach events
Corporations -
Provide materials for student hands-on project & exhibits
Newport Corp. - Speed of Light exhibit optics table & components
Opto-Sigma Corp. - Lenses for Magic Dot Optricks Theme packets (& other
Advanced Medical Optics - Automated Optical Measurement Bench (MTF)
Irvine CACT - Hands-On Optics laboratory project kit
Associates – Consultants
Provide fee based expertise to local companies
provide Volunteer time
If you would like to make a donation of any kind,
please contact us.
For monetary donations through the mail, please send checks payable
to "Community Partners FBO The Optics Institute of Southern California" to
31 Blackbird Lane, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
OISC is a Project of Community Partners and contributions are tax deductible to
the extent permitted by law.
* FBO is "For the benefit of"