The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.
OISC Founding Director Donn Silberman is training for and participating in local triathlons and supports the John Wayne Cancer Foundation through Team Duke. To get a flavor for how optical technologies have a huge impact on fighting cancer, just Google "optical cancer research" and you will see over 1.4 million links, including with work being done at the University of California, Irvine Beckman Laser Institute where we have many friends. Donn is a member of: Donn Finishes the Encinitas Tri May 17, 2009
Click here to see some photos from the Pacific Coast Tri Click here to see some photos of Donn at the Newport Beach Tri
Here are a few photos from the Desert Tri March 8, 2009 Click here for Swimming Workouts
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