The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.
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6th Annual Optricks Days at the Discovery Science Center was Sat. & Sun. Feb. 14th & 15th.
One of the OISC's most popular programs is its Optricks Days organized with the help of many friends from the Optical Society of Southern California. Starting with inspirations from Dr. Murty, the Wizard of Light, the Optricks Apprentices work their magic among the guests at the Discovery Science Center each year. This year we will feature presentations and workshops from the new Hogwarts School of Optricks. Optricks Suitcase User's Manual 2008
The 2007 Optricks Days will have some optics in health care related themes, as the Discovery Science Center will have "Sesame Street Presents -The Body" Click on the Optricks Days logo above to download a detailed announcement. Click Here for the Activities Guide
(Click on the Optricks Days logo above for more details about this event.) The OISC in partnership with the Optical Society of Southern California (OSSC) sponsored our 3rd Annual Optricks Days at the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. The 2006 event was organized to focus on the educational aspects of optics and lasers as we had numerous optics educational outreach stations throughout the center and special presentations in the 3D Laser Theater.
This year, in addition to the Optricks Suitcase presentation we have had in the past, a NEW presentation was given by the "Optricks Apprentice". The "Optricks Apprentice" is a protégé of Dr. Murty, The Wizard of Light, and provided illuminating fun times for all.
This is Dr. Murty, The Wizard of Light. The Optricks Apprentice made his first appearances at the 3rd Annual Optricks Days.
Optricks Demos, Optricks Suitcases & Optricks Theme Packs The OISC, OSSC and Discovery Science Center have received a number of grants from the OSA and SPIE to move forward with designing, developing, building and distributing the OPTRICKS materials. These materials have their origin at the OSA Rochester Chapter and over the past three years they have made their have to Southern California. Here they have been presented, modified and adapted to teachers, students and the local outreach community so that during this next academic year we will have new Hands-On Optricks exhibits at the DSC, about 10 Optricks Suitcases to distribute and many Optricks Theme Packets to give away to young people during presentations.
You can click here to see a concept of the new Optricks Demos and click here to see some photos of the demos to be.
You can see and download the Optricks Suitcase slideshow to use with the Optricks Suitcase by clicking here.
Click here to see and download the new Optricks Suitcase Presentation Guide. (Be patient, it may take a few minutes.)
Information on how to build your own Optricks Suitcases is available by clicking here.
Click Here for Optricks Theme Packets Assembly Instructions
Click here to see the OSA 2004 presentation on Optricks Day 2004. Click here to see the photos from Optricks Day 2004.
Click on the above logo and visit our Optricks Day web page. You can find all the information about our Optricks Day event and some photos from our very successful 2004 Optricks Day event. Photos from this year's event will be coming soon! New Periodic Table of Elements used in the Optricks Suitcase is now downloadable. Click here!! (downloadable as pdf file) Also, click here to go to a new interactive periodical table of elements sponsored by American Elements. Thanks to all who helped make this a BIG Success!! Click on the logo above to see photos of the event!! Also, see our new web pages thanking our Exhibitors, Donors and Volunteers. A very special THANKS to OSA for $1000 grant to the OSSC for the OPTRICKS Suitcase materials for this event.
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