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The OISC is proud to be a Project ofCommunity Partners  a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.




About the OISC


The OISC’s website serves several functions. First it explains the Mission and Purpose of the institute. Second, it provides a window into the institute, and third, it provides a central reference point for visitors seeking more information through internet links to other websites offering information useful to students, teachers and others about optics education and industry.

       OISC's core mission is to use optics as a vehicle to promote science & technology education to bring more enthusiastic students into science and engineering.  OISC'spurpose is to clarify the role of optics in the lives of teachers and students and create the potential for students to pursue and include optics as part of their college studies and then career choices.

       OISC also trains teachers and employees in the use of optics that will help spread the ability to use optics in science and industry.  Companies seeking to use optics in their products can then access former students that have learned about optics in school.

       OISC understands that some companies are currently in the process of implementing optics in their products and require immediate short term technical support.  OISC offers these companiesconsulting services. 

       OISC views these companies, institutions, government labs and agencies and others in society as the  benefactors of OISC’s efforts and are contributors to OISC’s success.

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Last modified: 01/23/2010                
http://oisc.net| ©2003-2010 OISC    phone  949-636-6170