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The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners  a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.




As clearly stated in “Optics Education – A Blueprint for the 21st Century” A project of the Optical Society of America and SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering – December 2001; there exists specifically identified barriers to teaching optics in the K-12 grades and that has created a void in filling the demand for trained people in the optics industry. 


One main purpose of The Optics Institute of Southern California is to provide a vehicle to break through some of those barriers and clarify the role of optics in the lives of teachers and students and create the potential for students to pursue / include optics as part of their college studies and then career choices.


Succeeding in this purpose will benefit the optics industry and its role in many other industries by acting as a model for others around the world.  This will lead to ensuring that the future demands for trained people in all levels of the optics industries will be met.
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Last modified: 01/23/2010                
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