The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.
Donn M. Silberman - Founding Director
& Chairperson Donn Silberman began his work in optics in 1976
when as a high school senior he volunteered as an astronomy student technician.
There he learned how to operate a small planetarium, maintain the class
telescopes and built his own 8" F/8 Newtonian. Donn attended the University of
Arizona to study Astronomy, worked at the
Flandreau Planetarium and ended up
receiving a
Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics (Honors in
Physics). During his years at the UofA, Donn also worked at the
Sciences Center and taught undergraduate physics labs. Donn served as the
Society of Physics Students President from 1981 - 1983 and as an SPS Councilor
from 1983 - 1984. Since then, Donn has logged over 25 years of management and technical
experience in various optics based businesses, with a number of patents and
publications to his credit. He has an extensive background in product
management, including conceptualizing, research and development, quality
assurance, product manufacturing, marketing and sales. Some of Donn’s notable
positions include Senior R&D Optical Engineer for Johnson & Johnson’s IOLAB
Corporation in Claremont, California; Operations Manager, Micro-Optics, for
Corning Incorporated’s Advanced Photonics Technologies group in Garden Grove,
California; and Engineering Systems Manager in the
RAM Optical Instruments
division of Newport Corporation in Irvine, California. Donn was also
responsible for marketing Newport’s
Opto-Mechanical product line and introduced
color product photos into the famous Newport catalog. In 1994, Donn received a
Master of Science degree in Technology Management from
Pepperdine University .
Donn has held several volunteer positions with the OSSC, including Programs and Scholarship Chairs in the mid 1990’s and Newsletter Editor and Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President in the mid 2000’s. He is the Founding Director of The Optics Institute of Southern California which focuses on optics education outreach and works closely with the OSSC, OSA, SPIE and MESA on the Hands-On Optics and other educational outreach programs. Donn has also served as the Assistant Director of the Center for Applied Competitive Technologies at South Orange County Community College District's Advanced Technology and Education Park. Donn served as a volunteer member of the Exhibits Committee at the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana, California for several years and servers on the Leadership Council for the UC Irvine Beall Center for Art + Technology, where the OISC participates in their Family Day Events. In 2008, Donn was designated as a Senior Member of SPIE for his specific achievements in optics education, outreach and engineering.
Donn is the Advisory Committee Chair for a new Optical Engineering
& Instrument Design Certificate Program through UC Irvine Extension, which began this fall. Donn also trains for and participates in local triathlons and supports the John Wayne Cancer Foundation through Team Duke. Find out more at: Fighting Cancer in the OpticsAge. phone 949-636-6170
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