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The OISC is proud to be a Project of Community Partners  a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation in the State of California.



The OISC has begun its program with UC Irvine's Gifted Student Academy (GSA) to present the Lower Academy Exploratorium for 1st - 4th grade students.  This OISC program is based on the successful Color My World lessons authored by Science Educator Wendy Woolf.  The GSA has added some new dimensions to the Color My World lessons that we are sure will take these lessons to the next level.  These additions include  Making & using 3D (Color) Glasses, Color Rod Math, Journaling, making a liquid color wheel and a painted color wheel using only cyan, magenta & yellow, dissecting lamb brains, learning about the color of stars and observing the sun through a special solar telescope.

Here are some pictures taken during the second week of the program.  Click on an image to see it larger.

Hi Boys & Girls,  I am still working on getting your Computer Art on the web site.  Just a few more days and I'll get them up!!

Wishing you all well,

Mr. S.


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Last modified: 01/23/2010                
http://oisc.net| ©2003-2010 OISC    phone  949-636-6170